Swirling dark mercy water surrounding a lush green forest
60 Great Short Walks

Kelly Basin

Find out more
3-4 hours return, 10.8km return
Grade 3: Some bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.
Supervise children, weather may change quickly.


​It’s hard to believe that 1,000 people once lived in the former mining town of East Pillinger, near Kelly Basin. The site of the old town is now overgrown with lush, mossy forest, and only some rusting mining equipment and ruined buildings remain. The walk in, which is close to the beautiful Bird River for much of the time, follows the line of an old railway that once serviced the mine. Old sleepers and the remains of rail bridges are reminders of this. Return via the same track.

Static map image of the Kelly Basin walk between Kelly Basin Road and Macquarie Harbour