4WD vehicles driving along a very sandy coastal track
Sandy Cape Track, Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area (photograph: Dan Broun)

Sandy Cape Track

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Alerts for Sandy Cape Track

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Fire: Sandy Cape track - Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area
Applies from 5/2/2025

​​​The Sandy Cape 4WD track has been closed due to a bushfire in the area.

For more information and to monitor conditions visit: www.alert.tas.gov.au

Last reviewed 13/2/2025 10:05 AM

Track closure: West Coast Bushfires -Parks & Reserve Closures
Applies from 11/2/2025​​​​The following areas are currently closed due to bushfires:
  • ​Meredith Range Regional Reserve​
  • ​Lake Pieman Regional Reserve
  • Donaldson River Nature Recreation Area
  • Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area south of Temma
  • Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park from Benson Peak to Pelion Hut
  • Parting Creek Regional Reserve
  • Tikkawoppa Plateau Regional Reserve
  • Four Mile Beach Regional Reserve
  • Huskisson River Regional Reserve
  • Savage River Pipeline Regional Reserve
  • Sumac Regional Reserve
  • Lake Chisholm Regional Reserve
  • Julius River Regional Reserve
  • Milkshake Hills Regional Reserve 
  • Luncheon Hill Regional Reserve
  • John Lynch Regional Reserve​
  • North East Dundas 
  • Bernafai Ridge Conservation Area.
To monitor conditions please visit the Tas Alert website or app.​​

Last reviewed 15/2/2025 06:22 PM


​​​MapTasm​ap​ 1: 50000 - Rebecca
Distance: 48 km return
Rating: Difficult - for experienced 4WD and motorbike users only. Deep bogs, steep slopes, soft sand are likely to be encountered. 

Located in the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area, The Sandy Cape track provides outstanding coastal scenery and beautiful camping spots. The main campsites on the track are at Greenes Creek, Pedder River, and Sandy Cape. 

All users of the Sandy Cape Track require an Arthur-Pieman Recreational Drivers Pass.​​ Camping south of Temma is included in the purchase of a Recreational Drivers Pass. Camping fees apply for sites north of Temma and can be paid at the Arthur River Parks and Wildlife Service office.

About the track​

Temma to Greenes Creek (12 km)

The track is rated medium 4WD standard, however it can increase in difficulty after rainfall with deep-water sections. 

Greenes Creek to Sandy Cape (12 km)

This beach drive is rated as hard 4WD standard.

Travelling in the company of other vehicles is essential along Sandy Cape beach due to the occurrence of quicksand, that has been known to swallow whole vehicles, and the potential need for rapid retrieval, before the tide rises. ​Always check conditions before driving on beachesLarge swell will have an impact on the beach accessibility and beach driving is not recommended with 4 metre plus swells. After rainfall in winter, the rivers may also be high, this combined with large ocean swell makes the conditions too dangerous to traverse the 4WD tracks.

The coastal area between Marrawah and Granville Harbour, including between Temma and Sandy Cape is within an area listed as The Western Tasmania Aboriginal Cultural Landscape. Numerous hut depressions and shell middens show that Aboriginal people lived a specialised and sedentary lifestyle in this area, building permanent and semi-permanent villages, and hunting seals, shellfish and land mammals. Aboriginal sites must be respected and not damaged or interfered with. H​e​avy penalties can be imposed for damage to the cultural sites under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975. A number of tracks have been closed to protect Aboriginal sites and heritage.​


Arthur River Field Centre
1409 Arthur River Road
Arthur River TAS 7330
Phone: 03 6457 1225
Email: ArthurRiver@parks.tas.gov.au

​Visitor Cente opening hours
9am to 4pm, open 7 days