A convoy of recreational 4WD vehicles sriving through tall forest on the Jefferys Track
Jefferys Track 4WD (photograph: Dixie Makro)

Jefferys Track - Wellington Range

Find out more
The track can be accessed from Lachlan, south of New Norfolk, or from Crabtree, south of Hobart.


​Ma​​p: Tasmap​ 1:50000 - Wellington
D​​istance: ​​​14 km
Rating: ​​​​​​Medium - suitable for registered four-wheel drive vehicles and trail bikes only, with some boggy soils, rocks or sand. Some experience with off-road driving recommended. 

Jefferys track crosses the Wellington Park from Lachlan in the Derwent Valley to Crabtree in the Huon Valley. Beautiful bush scenery is encountered along the drive with great views over the Huon and Derwent Valleys.​ 

Further information about the ​Wellington Park four wheel drive ​tracks can be found on the Wellin​​gton Park Management Trust web site​.​


Southern Regional Office
1-2 Murrayfield Court, Glenorchy TAS 7010
Postal: PO Box 126
Moonah TAS 7009
Phone: 03 6165 4053