4WD vehicles driving through a large muddy puddle on the East West Trail
East West Trail (photograph: Aaron Wells)

East West Trail - Wellington Park

Find out more
Wellington Park is an alpine area and subject to changeable weather conditions. Be prepared for all weather conditions and carry water and food for the journey. There may be some snow cover during winter.

​Permi​ts can be obtained through the Wellington Park Management Trust website​​

The East West Trail begins in Montrose Road (Grid Ref 197573) and exits at Crabtree via J​efferys Track.


​​M​​apTasMap ​​1:50000 - Wellington

Di​​stance: ​20 km​​​

Rat​​ing: Difficult - for experienced and registered four-wheel drive users only. Deep bogs, steep slopes, or soft sand are likely to be encountered. 

The East West Trail in Wellington Park provides awe-inspiring views over Hobart, the Derwent Valley, the Huon Valley and the southern wilderness of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area​.

Access to the East West Trail is by permit only. Permits are for short term access generally only during drier periods​. The decision to grant a permit is subject to track conditions and weather, including the risk of bushfire. A permit and gate key can be requested through the ​Wellin​gton Park Management Trust web site​.​​

The ​track begins in Montrose Road, Montrose, before heading up and over the Wellington Range and joining Jeffreys Track to end at Crabtree in the Huon Valley. The steep and rocky challenges make this a difficult drive, suitable for experienced four-wheel drivers only.


Southern Regional Office
1-2 Murrayfield Court, Glenorchy TAS 7010
Postal: PO Box 126
Moonah TAS 7009
Phone: 03 6165 4053