Man sitting in an aluminium boat. In the background is calm water and a large mountain peak
Boating in Bathurst Harbour


Find out more

​​​​​The marine reserve includes a no take zone and a restricted take zone.

These notes are for information purposes only.  For any navigation you must use Nautical Charts AUS 176 and 793.

No take zones

No recreational or commercial fishing can take place in these areas.

Davey Estuary

  • 43° 14.856'S, ​High water mark
  • ​43° 14.856'S, ​High water mark

​James Kelly Basin​

  • High water mark, ​145° 53.878'E Bearing ​125.7°T
  • High water mark, 145° 54.065'E

​​Saddle Bight

  • ​High water mark, ​145°​ 55.579'E
  • ​43° 18.215'S, ​145° 55.579'E  Bearing ​243.8°T
  • 43° 18.906'S, ​145° 53.657'E
  • ​High water mark, ​145°​ 53.608'E

Bathurst Harbour and Channel

  • 43° 18.022'S, ​High water mark Bearing ​215.4°T
  • ​43° 18.319'S, ​High water mark
  • 43° 18.346'S, ​High water mark
  • High water mark, ​145° 58.060'E Bearing ​343.5°T
  • High water mark, ​145°​ 58.181'E
  • ​High water mark, ​145°​ 58.181'E
  • High water mark, ​145°​ 58.016'E
  • ​High water mark, ​145°​ 58.016'E
  • High water mark, ​145°​ 57.958'E
  • High water mark, ​145°​ 58.208'E Bearing ​351.2°​T

Restricted take zone

More information on  these zones can be found on the Fishing Tasm​ania website​.

In this area the following are permitted:
  • Diving for rock lobster and abalone
  • Using rock lobster pits or rings
  • Line fishing for scalefish with no more than 5 hooks
  • Trolling for scalefish 
Know your size and bag limits. Report any illegal fishing to Fishwatch ph.0427 655 557.


Huonville Office
22 Main Street
Office usually staffed 10am - 4pm Monday to Friday
Huonville TAS 7109
Phone: 03 6121 7026

​Visitor centre opening hours
10am to 4pm Monday to Friday