Convoy od 4WD vehicles driving uphill on the Mount McCall 4WD Track
Mount McCall 4WD Track

Mount McCall Track

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Alerts for Mount McCall Track

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Closed area: West Coast Track Closures - Severe Weather
Applies from 2/9/2024

​​​​The following track closures are currently in place due to the severe weather event.

  • Kelly Basin Road - South of the Crotty River
  • Mount McCall 4WD Track
  • Bird River Track
  • Donaghys Walking Track
These locations will remain closed until further notice when conditions are safe to make further assessments.

Contact the West Coast Field Centre on (03) 6409 1020

Last reviewed 23/9/2024 10:07 AM

Closed area: Nelson Falls toilets - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
Applies from 27/6/2024

The Nelson Falls toilets are currently closed for repairs.  At this stage, a reopening date is not known. 

The Nelson Falls​ walk is still open.

The next closest available toilets are:
  • Franklin River Nature Trail, 33 km’s to the East.
  • Headly Faulls Park (Queenstown) 27 km’s to the West.
Please Contact the West Coast Field Centre for further information on 6409 1020 or via email

To be added or removed from the West Coast Track Closures/Re-openings email list, contact the West Coast Field Centre on​.​

Last reviewed 30/7/2024 10:37 AM

A valid parks pass is required for entry to Tasmania's national parks.


​​​​​Map Tasmap​​ 1:50000 - Frenchmans

Distance : 44 km return​​
Rating : Medium - suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles and trail bikes only, with some deep ruts, loose soils, and bedrock surfaces. Some experience with off-road driving recommended. 

The Mount McCall Track is in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, including the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, the views over these wilderness areas are outstanding. 

The track ends abruptly at the top of an old haulage way with a drop of over 300 metres to the famous Franklin River. 

The vehicle track is gated and requires a key from the local Parks and Wildlife Service Office. All travel should be done in daylight.


West Coast Field Centre (Strahan)
PO Office Box 62
Strahan TAS 7468
Phone: 03 6409 1020

Lake St Clair Visitor Centre
c/- Post Office
Derwent Bridge TAS 7140
Phone: 03 6289 1115

​Visitor centre opening hours
Open 7 days
8.15am to 4.45pm from 1 October to 31  May
9am to 4pm from 1 June to 31 August 
8.30am to 4.30pm in September