Convoy od 4WD vehicles driving uphill on the Mount McCall 4WD Track
Mount McCall 4WD Track

Mount McCall Track

Find out more
A valid parks pass is required for entry to Tasmania's national parks.


​​​​​Map Tasmap​​ 1:50000 - Frenchmans

Distance : 44 km return​​
Rating : Medium - suitable for four-wheel drive vehicles and trail bikes only, with some deep ruts, loose soils, and bedrock surfaces. Some experience with off-road driving recommended. 

The Mount McCall Track is in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, including the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, the views over these wilderness areas are outstanding. 

The track ends abruptly at the top of an old haulage way with a drop of over 300 metres to the famous Franklin River. 

The vehicle track is gated and requires a key from the local Parks and Wildlife Service Office. All travel should be done in daylight.


West Coast Field Centre (Strahan)
PO Office Box 62
Strahan TAS 7468
Phone: 03 6409 1020

Lake St Clair Visitor Centre
c/- Post Office
Derwent Bridge TAS 7140
Phone: 03 6289 1115

​Visitor centre opening hours
Open 7 days
8.15am to 4.45pm from 1 October to 31  May
9am to 4pm from 1 June to 31 August 
8.30am to 4.30pm in September