A women is walking through the bush with a large pack on back. Leeaberra Track, Douglas-Apsley National Park
Leeaberra Track, Nicholls Needles, Douglas-Apsley National Park (photograph: Peter Grant)

Leeaberra Track - walk notes

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Alerts for Leeaberra Track - walk notes

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Fire ban: Seasonal campfire bans are in place
Applies from 5/11/2024
​​​​Campfires, pot fires and other solid fuel stoves are banned in all parks and reserves in the following local government areas: Tasman, King Island, Flinders, Dorset, Break O’Day, Glamorgan-Spring Bay and Sorell.  

They are also banned in Narawntapu National Park.  ​

This is a seasonal ban to reduce the risk of fire over summer.

​The map​ below shows all affected areas.  You can still use gas stoves and gas barbecues. 

Decorative Map

 Look out for these signs.

Please note: The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and the Vale of Belvoir Conservation Area are fuel stove only areas at all times of the year.

Last reviewed 4/2/2025 10:29 AM

​​​​​​​​​Please note, these walk notes are intended to aid in your decision to undertake the Leeaberra Track and do not give a complete breakdown of the walk. 

For information on t​​​​​rip planning, pack lists and safety information, please see our Know Before You Go pages​.​

​​​Day 1 - Thom​​psons Marshes to Heritage Falls Campsite (Upper Douglas River)​

  • ​5.5 kms, 2.5 hours

​​The walk begins at the Northern end of the Douglas Aspley National Park at Thompsons Marshes which can only reached on foot or with a high clearance 4WD via the ‘E’ road (junction with Tasman Hwy approx. 4.8 kms north of Seymour/ 5.5 kms south of Elephant Pass).

This rough fire trail has an elevation gain of 420m to the Thompsons Marshes carpark. Walkers are requested to register their walk at the walker information booth at the start of the track. 

The track is closed in times of High Fire Danger and not recommended when High Fire Danger is forecast in the following days.

Walkers undertake a 2.5-hour journey from Thompsons Marsh to the Day 1 Campsite on the eastern bank of the Douglas River. Day walkers should allow 5 hours if retracing their steps back to the start of the track. 

​​Day 1 Side Trip - Heritage and Leeaberra Falls

  • 1.2 kms, 2hrs return 

In good weather, walkers can rock hop downstream to the top Heritage Falls and then onto Leeaberra Falls. Relax with a swim in the plunge pools before returning to camp for some food and a good night's sleep. 

It is not recommended to walk to the falls in adverse weather. The route to Heritage and Leeaberra Falls crosses a steep, slippery riverbed and route finding can become very difficult. ​

Day 2 - Heritage Falls Campsite to Douglas River (lower) Campsite​

  • ​6 kms, 4hrs 

Climbing east from the Heritage Falls campsite for 1 ½ hour walkers can experience beautiful views of the East Coast when they reach Lookout Hill. 

From Lookout Hill, walkers continue on the rocky track for 45 minutes to the Nichols Cap junction. This side trip is a 40 minute return walk. Nichols Cap offers spectacular views of the park over the Douglas River valley and east coast. From the top, walkers get a close-up view of the unusual dolerite pillars of Nichols Needles and you will understand why Douglas-Apsley is known as a park full of contrasts.  

The track from Nichols Cap track junction to the Douglas River crossing, descends steeply and takes 1 ½ hours to complete. The campsite is located on the southern bank of the Douglas River.

Day 2 - Side Trip - Tevelein Falls 

Walkers can visit Tevelein Falls by rock hopping 200 metres upsteam of ​the Douglas River. 

Day 3 - Douglas River (lower) campsite to Apsley River Waterhole

  • 11 kms, 7hrs ​​​

From the Douglas River, walkers undertake a steep climb out of the valley and then cross a fire trail. After crossing the fire trail some sections of the track are well marked, while others are overgrown and scrubby. The track is made up of loose rocks bordered by head high cutting grass. Walkers should take extra caution walking on the loose rocks and with finding their way. 

Once across the Denison Marshes, the track starts to climb again before reaching the Mount Andrew saddle.  From the saddle, descend 3 kms to the Apsley River Waterhole for a refreshing swim and then complete the last 500m to the Apsley Waterhole carpark.

More Information​

There are no toilets along the track. Bury all faecal waste and toilet paper in a hole 15-20 cm deep at least 100 metres​​ from water, camps, and tracks. Cover and disguise the hole when finished.

The southern aspect slopes are commonly covered in moss and ferns and can be slippery. It's advisable to bring a copy of the Douglas-Apsley map and notes, along with a compass. 

This is a rewarding walk, with beautiful waterfalls, stunning views, and plenty of native wildlife to admire from a distance. ​