Cycling through Tasmanian blue gum forest (Eucalyptus globulus), Maria Island National Park
Cycling through Tasmanian blue gum forest, Maria Island National Park (photograph: Joe Shemesh)

Blue gum

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​​The blue gum is Tasmania’s floral emblem and a critical habitat for the endangered swift parrot, which migrates from southern parts of Australia to feed on flowering blue gums and nest in old tree hollows. 

The blue gum reaches​ up to 60 metres, with sleek white bark on the upper trunk and limbs of the trees and a skirt of rough bark at the base of the trunk. Named "blue gum" for its blue-green coloured capsules and leaves, the colour derives from a powdery glaucous substance which acts as a natural sunscreen for the tree. The blue gum produces distinctive creamy white flowers fed on by insect-pollinators, birds and small mammals such as pygmy possums​. 

Common name: Blue gum

Scientific name: Eucalyptus globulus

Where​ to see ​