How can I tell which tracks are open and which are closed to off-road vehicles?
There is a Recreational Driving Guide available for drivers who plan to visit the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area which includes maps of vehicle tracks in the area. For tracks outside of the APCA, we recommend that you contact the local Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service Field Centre to find out if there are any restrictions applicable to the area you intend to visit.
Will tracks 501, 601 and 503 within the APCA remain closed to vehicle use?
Tracks 501, 601 and 503 south of Sandy Cape in the APCA are closed for use by vehicles due to the significant Aboriginal cultural heritage in the areas that the tracks used to traverse. People are still able to access the area on foot and we encourage those who walk in the area to be considerate of the natural and cultural heritage values and adopt Leave No Trace practices.
Will there be changes to the APCA Recreational Driver Pass system because of the Project?
The project seeks to identify priorities for the west coast of Tasmania, beyond the boundaries of the APCA. As part of the development of the West Coast Off-Road Vehicle Strategy, consideration will be given to the future of the APCA Recreational Driver Pass and whether a similar system could be used in other areas and what that might look like.