Wineglass Bay from Mount Amos
Wineglass Bay from Mount Amos (photograph: Luke O'Brien)

Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project

Find out more

Freycinet National Park is one of the most popular tourism destinations in Tasmania, with significant levels of visitation from local, interstate and international visitors.

In 2017, in response to identified challenges associated with visitation resulting in increasing pressure on Park facilities and the environment, the Freycinet Peninsula Masterplan was developed, identifying a range of initiatives to address key existing and emerging issues to be delivered over a ten-year period.

The Freycinet Master Plan 2019 identified improved wastewater management in Freycinet National Park as a priority. The Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project is required to address existing capacity limitations, asset age and operational and safety risks with the current water and sewerage infrastructure located within Freycinet National Park. 

The Tasmanian Government has committed $10.27 million to facilitate upgrades to the water and sewerage infrastructure within the National Park which will accommodate current and future visitors and  seasonal surges, treating sewage to meet contemporary standards for sustainable effluent reuse and disposal.

Project Overview

The wastewater generated in the National Park will be collected through a pressure sewer system and transferred to a new centralised packaged treatment plant using modern technology to produce high quality recycled water.

Within the treatment plant, wastewater will be mechanically treated and disinfected to a high level (class A) recycled water standard for non-potable reuse, such as toilet flushing and firefighting.

The high quality recycled water will be reused for toilet flushing and firefighting, with the remainder injected deep into the ground using a method called Managed Aquifer Recharge. This disposal method is proven technology with a small footprint and low environmental impact.

A number of alternative treatment and disposal options were identified and assessed. Due to the sensitive nature and physical constraints of the site/s and surroundings and the potential impact to public health and the environment, these options were assessed as unsuitable.

This new system will provide a long-term sustainable solution for wastewater management in the National Park that has a small environmental footprint and high level of treatment to protect public health and the environment.

A detailed description of the project is available:

 Freycinet Wastewater Project - Project Description (PDF 15Mb)

 Freycinet Wastewater Project - Information Flyer (PDF 5Mb)​

Planning and Approvals

The PWS has undertaken comprehensive options analysis, modelling and environmental assessment to determine the design of this long term solution to wastewater management, which can accommodate current and future visitors to the Park and seasonal surges. 

A Reserve Activity Assessment, including supporting specialist studies, has been prepared and is currently being assessed. 

In parallel, the PWS has lodged a Development Application with Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, which will be advertised for public comment from 6 December to 20 December 2024 through the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council website.


The PWS invites the public to provide feedback on the project by emailing the project team:

Representations to Glamorgan Spring Bay Council on the development application can be made until 20 December 2024 by letter (PO Box 6, Triabunna) or email ( addressed to the General Manager.


Subject to completion of the detailed design, securing all approvals, and engaging suitable contractors, construction is anticipated to commence in mid-2025. 

Project Updates

Community Updates have been provided during the project. The latest Community Update is below: 

 Freycinet Wastewater Project - Community Update December 2024 (PDF 299Kb)

​Frequently Asked Questions

 Freycinet Wastewater Project - FAQs (PDF 114Kb)


Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project Team
