Two well-equipped walkers on the tyndall Range track. They are looking down on a large alpine lake. Edging the lake are tall, sheer cliffs.
Tyndall Range (photograph: Andrew Wagg)

Projects and programs

Find out more

​​​​The Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) is responsible for many projects across the State. As those projects are in development we may make information available for people to view and learn more about. 

Next ​Icon​​​ic Walk​​​​​ Project​

The Next Iconic Walk project will develop a new multi-day hut-based bushwalk in Tasmania aiming to build on the success of the Overland Track and the Three Capes Track. ​​​

More information about the project can be found on the Next Iconic Walk Project webpage.

Touris​m Master Plan

​A Tourism Master Plan (TMP) for the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA) has been developed

More information can be found at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania's website.

​Off-Road Vehicle Project

​The Tasmanian Government has committed $10 million to support priority initiatives for off-road vehicle access and experiences within the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area (APCA) and reserves across the West Coast. 

​More information about the project can be found on the Off-Road Vehicle Proje​ct webpage​. ​

Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project

The Freycinet Master Plan 2019 identified improved wastewater management in Freycinet National Park as a priority. The Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project is required to address existing capacity limitations, asset age and condition issues, and operational and safety risks, with the current water and sewerage infrastructure located within Freycinet National Park. 

​​More information about the project can be found on the Freycinet National Park Wastewater Project webpage​.​​

Edge of the World Revitalisation Project​​

The Tasmanian Government has committed $2.75 million to improve the Edge of the World visitor site, while protecting the important Aboriginal cultural heritage and natural values of the area.

More information about the project can be found on the Edge of the World Revitalisation Project webpage​. 

More information​

More information can be ​​​​found on our News and events and Have your say pages.