Image of a group of volunteers and Parks staff ready for a working bee, wearing work gear and carrying tools and materials
Launceston Walking Club volunteers ready to tacke the work at a working bee

Walls of Jerusalem to benefit from track upgrades

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​Upgrades to the Walls Circuit Track in the Walls of Jerusalem National Park will commence soon, providing visitors with an improved walking experience at the picturesque site.

Great Western Tiers Ranger Daniel Johansson said the project was a great example of community partnerships at work.

“The project involves the upgrade of a 1000 metre section of boggy and braided track on the Walls Circuit Track between Lake Adelaide and Trappers Hut," he said.

View of existing damage, with a waterlogged braided track and damaged vegetation

Area of existing damage

“The project will deliver a key outcome of the park's Recreation Zone Plan. An elevated walking track structure will help prevent braiding and damage to sensitive vegetation including cushion plants.

“The Launceston Walking Club secured a $226,000 grant through the Wildcare Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund to make the upgrades possible, with works commencing in November 2024.

“The Launceston Walking Club volunteers will also be working on improving track conditions on the Lake Ball traverse and the main track near Stretcher Lake sections, over a total of 4.3 kilometres."

View of the walking track and a person walking through the wet and boggy track in Parks uniform with a backpack

Track braiding and vegetation damage

​​The Walls of Jerusalem overflow carpark, located 100 metres past the main carpark, has been closed to allow for storage of materials and helicopter operations for the project. Minor diversions around track work areas will be in place during construction. The first drop of materials is expected during the week commencing 28 October, weather permitting. The overflow carpark will reopen after October helicopter operations are completed.

Safety signage will be in place during helicopter operations. Visitors are asked to comply with signs and take directions from Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service staff and contractors to ensure safety. 

If you would like to know more about the project or provide feedback, please contact:  Great Western Tiers Field Centre on (03) 6701 2104 or email​​​

Published 29/10/2024


Great Western Tiers Field Office
PO Box 13
Deloraine TAS 7304
Phone: 03 6701 2104