Works are now complete on stage two of the Horsetail Falls walk in Tasmania’s North-West and the track has now opened to the public.
The new section of track will provide an added experience to the existing track as it now extends to the edge of the falls.
The now two kilometre track and new platform provide excellent views from above the falls and towards Queenstown to the coast.
The project team worked closely with West Coast Council during the design process to ensure the track complemented the new mountain bike trail network.
Horsetail Falls walking track and car park were temporarily closed during construction to allow for new bridges and walkways to be installed, and movement of building materials.
CPT Engineering and Trailblazer Tracks were awarded the contracts to undertake the works. Construction started on stage two in March this year.
Stage one of the project was complete in 2017 and involved a new elevated walkway.
The Tasmanian Government provided $600,000 in funding to complete the stage two works.