National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council at Cradle Mountain, standing in front of Dove Lake in August 2023
NPWAC Group Photo

National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council

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​​​​​The National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council (NPWAC) is established under the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 (the Act) to provide strategic and policy advice to the Minister for Parks in relation to the management of Tasmania’s parks and reserves.  NPWAC is consulted by the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) to provide comment on management plans, policies and p​​roposals for reserved land.

NPWAC is also responsible for providing advice to the Tasmanian and Australian governments on matters relating to the protection, conservation, presentation and management of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area​ (TWWHA), under the Australian World Heritage Intergovernmental Agreement 2009.


NPWAC consists of ten members who are appointed for their individual skills and expertise, rather than as a representative of an organisation. The expertise of members and their association with any interest groups could include, but are not limited to: environmental management, ecological management, Aboriginal cultural heritage management, historic cultural heritage management, recreation, tourism, reserve management, business management and strategic management.  Two positions on NPWAC are reserved for representatives of the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, one male and one female. 

Current members of ​​NPWAC:

Terry Bailey - Chairperson​

Terry Bailey has over 35 years’ experience working in the public sector and tertiary education. 

In his public sector roles, Terry gained a thorough understanding of protected area management through field base and executive leadership appointments in the Victorian, NSW and Commonwealth governments, including as Chief Executive of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. 

Terry was the Executive Dean of Sciences and Engineering at the University of Tasmania and is a former Executive Director of the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, in both roles he oversaw an extensive research portfolio and learning and teaching programs. 

Terry was the preparer of the Ningaloo Coast, the Australian Convict Sites, and the Sydney Opera House world heritage nominations and is a world heritage advisor to the Western Australian, South Australian and Queensland governments. Terry is a reporter under the  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage Protection Act 1984  to the Federal Minister for the Environment. 

Terry is a trustee of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Commissioner for the NSW Independent Planning Commission, member of the NSW Independent Expert Advisory Panel for Energy Transition, and a member of the Australian World Heritage Advisory Council. ​

Appointed to September 2025.

Dr Allison Anderson


Allison is a consultant who delivers tourism development and planning across Australia, New Zealand and further afield. With a passion for regenerative, nature based and cultural tourism, Allison works with communities, business and governments to help them reap the benefits of competitive, place-based tourism strategies. Allison holds a PhD in Urban Design and Tourism, a Masters in Applied Science (Urban and Regional Planning), and a Bachelor of Science (Honours). She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, is Chair of Northern Tasmania Development Corporation and Deputy Chair of East Coast Tasmania Tourism. She has four children, is a passionate ocean swimmer, and loves spending time in Tasmania's national parks.

Appointed to March 2026.

Dr Rachel Brown


Rachel has 20 years’ experience in managing diverse projects in agriculture, environmental management and extension. She has run her own agricultural/environmental consulting business, and currently manages a shellfish program.  She is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors Course.

Rachel has bushwalked extensively throughout the TWWHA, including a 40 day walk from north to south Tasmania for her honeymoon.

Appointed to February 2026.

Trish Hodge

Trish is a proud palawa, Tasmanian Aboriginal. She is sole director of nita Education, an Aboriginal cultural awareness and education company. Trish has a background in tourism & education and is a strong advocate for connecting people to Country, through sharing culture and stories.

Appointed to May 2025.

Hank Horton 


Hank is an Aboriginal Elder and cultural advisor, who provides valued advice to the NPWAC in respect to Tasmanian Aboriginal community views and reserve management. Hank is also a member of the Aboriginal Heritage Council.

Appointed to March 2026.

Ellen O’Brien​

Ellen is an environmental and sustainability practitioner with high-level skills and extensive experience in non-financial corporate reporting with specialist expertise in environmental, sustainability, carbon and greenhouse gas emission and safety reporting. She has extensive experience in corporate and consulting roles in the private sector, as well as a background in Local and State Government agencies, non-government organisations and scientific research.

Appointed to February 2026.

Su Sprott

Su has a strong background in outdoor recreation and has held a wide variety of positions, inc. outdoor education teaching, mountain bike guiding, co-ordinating programs and assessing risk for nature based outdoor activities and event organisation.  She is active in the mountain bike community and serves on numerous Project Advisory Groups to represent the riding community and assist key management agencies with development of strategic trail plans.

Appointed to March 2026.

Louise Gilfedder


Louise is a terrestrial ecologist with extensive experience in botanical, ecological and natural resource management sciences in a career spanning over 30 years in government, university, private industry and the not-for-profit sector and focusing on private land conservation. Louise considers the role of both the public and private reserve system to be tantamount to the protection of biodiversity. She loves love Tasmania and its bush!

Appointed to July 2026.

Dr Jane Harrington 

Jane Harrington is a cultural heritage practitioner based in Premaydena, Tasmania. For 15 years she was the Director of Conservation and Infrastructure with the Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority. She has worked in a range of government, academic and consulting roles in each of Victoria, NSW, Queensland, and Tasmania. She has previously been a member of the Australian Heritage Council, President of Australia ICOMOS, and a member of the Australian World Heritage Advisory Committee. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Tasmania, and Adjunct Professor at Deakin University, sitting on Academic Advisory Boards for masters-level programmes at both universities. Jane has provided and continues to provide expert advice on international heritage sites and issues to ICOMOS in its role as an Advisory Body to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, and is a member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committees for Intangible Cultural Heritage and for Interpretation. 

Appointed to July 2026.

Dr Catherine Young 

Catherine is a biologist and has extensive experience working with Tasmanian fauna, with her work largely focusing on species of conservation significance. She also has experience in natural resource project management and as a nature tour guide in Tasmania. Catherine is a keen birdwatcher and loves spending time in the bush.

Appointed to July 2026.


National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council
GPO Box 1751 Hobart
Hobart TAS 7001