The Parks and Wildlife Service is implementing key strategies of the Freycinet Peninsula Master Plan 2019. The Wineglass Bay 2nd Lookout is funded through the Tasmanian Governments Tourism Infrastructure in Parks [TIIP] and Improving State-wide Visitor Infrastructure [ISVI], and the federal government election commitment funding at $450,000. This project aims to build infrastructure, while enhancing the visitor experience, that supports the protection of ecological and heritage values within the Freycinet National Park.
The second lookout will provide a loop extension to the existing Wineglass Bay lookout, constructed from a combination of manmade and natural materials. The aesthetics will be blended with the existing lookout, and complimentary to the local landscape.
The new lookout will:
- Reduce congestion through visitor dispersal, providing a more tranquil experience
- Improve visitor experience through access to different visual fields and interpretive elements
- Improve safety for visitors through considered design
Project Stages
| Stage 1 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and supporting information accepted as suitable for public consultation.
| Stage 2 - Public consultation process advertised in three regional papers. Draft EIS and supporting information available on the ‘Have your say’ page of PWS website.
| Stage 3 - The period for making public submissions closed. Final EIS and Submission Report prepared by proponent, addressing comments received during the public consultation process.
| Stage 4 - Assessment of the final EIS completed and PWS prepares an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) including the submission report and public submissions.
| Stage 5 - Final EIS, EAR, statement of reasons and public submissions are published on the PWS website EIA page.
Key Dates
Public consultation period begins
Close of comment period
Final EIS assessment completed
EIS, EAR, statement of reasons and public submissions published
Environmental Assessment Report
Freycinet National Park Wineglass Bay 2nd Lookout EAR (506Kb)
Reference Documents
RAA 3456 - WGB 2nd Lookout Trackwork (5Mb)
Appendix A Wineglass Bay Lookout Visual Impact Assessment (6Mb)
Appendix B Wineglass Bay Lookout Aboriginal Heritage Desktop Review (672Kb)
Appendix C Wineglass Bay Lookout Ecological Assessment (8Mb):