Freycinet extended shared walk - cycle path
Freycinet extended shared walk - cycle path (photograph: Reece Coleman)

Shared Use Track-Freycinet National Park

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​​​​Shared Use Track - Freycinet National Park ​

​The Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) invited public submissions on ​the proposed Freycinet Esplanade to Visitor Centre Shared Use Track. The new track will provide a link for pedestrians and bicyclists from the Coles Bay Esplanade East to the Freycinet Visitor Centre.

The proposal is an initiative of the Freycinet Peninsula Master Plan 2019 and managed by PWS.

The proposal includes widening of the existing track from Esplanade East to the Richardsons Beach access track and construction of a new elevated boardwalk across Mosquito Creek.

The proposal will improve visitor safety by providing a formal pedestrian and bicyclist link between the Coles Bay Township and the National Park without the need to use Freycinet Drive. It will also provide the long-term capacity to link the planned Coles Bay Foreshore Walk with the Freycinet Walk and Cycle track which was constructed in 2020.

Natural and cultural values surveys, including assessment of multiple alignment options, were carried out to ensure the track provides the least possible impact.

The Australian Government under the National Tourism Icons Program has provided $400,000 funding for the project.​


Project Stages​

Stage 1 -​​ Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and supporting documents accepted as suitable for public consultation.

Stage 2 - Public consultation process commences with advertisements in three regional papers. Draft EIS and supporting documents available on the 'Have your say' page of PWS website. 


Stage 3 - The period for making public submissions closed. Final EIS​​ and Submission Report is prepared by PWS, addressing comments received during the public consultation process.  

Stage 4 - Assessment of the final EIS completed and PWS prepares an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) including the Submissions Report and public sub​missi​ons. 

Stage 5 - Final EIS, EAR, statement of reasons and pub​lic submissions published on the PWS website. The assessment process is completed.

Key dates

Public consultation period begins:

  • Saturday, 5th February 2022

Close of comment period:

  • Monday​, 7th March 2022

Final EIS assessment completed:​

  • ​Wednesday, 13th April 2022

​EIS, public submissions, EAR and statement of reasons published:

  • ​ Wednesday, 13th April 2022

Environmental Assessment Report

 Environmental Assessment Report Freycinet Esplanade to Visitor Centre Shared-use Track RAA 3801 (PDF 1Mb)

Reference Documents

 Freycinet National Park Freycinet Esplanade to Visitor Centre Shared - use Track Final EIS RAA 3081 (PDF 3Mb)

     Appendix A - Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report (purposefully not released) 

 Appendix B - AHT review and recommendations Freycinet Shared - use Track RAA 3081 (PDF 112Kb)

 Appendix C- Natural Values Assessment Freycinet Shared - use Track RAA 3081 (PDF 5Mb)

 Appendix D - Coastal Vulnerability Report Freycinet Shared - use Track RAA 3081 (PDF 2Mb)