A new Recreation Zone Plan for the Lower Gordon River
The Lower Gordon River Recreation Zone Plan (the Plan) has been reviewed and updated as required by the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan 2016 (TWWHAMP). The Plan is a non-statutory and consistent with the provisions of the TWWHAMP. It has been approved by the Director National Parks and Wildlife and Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania.
The updated Plan provides area specific guidance for the management of recreation and associated infrastructure in the Lower Gordon River Recreation Zone and sites immediately adjacent. The Plan ensures the iconic experience of the Gordon River and Heritage Landing continues to be protected and maintained for the tens of thousands of people who visit the river every year.
The Plan has been informed by the long-term monitoring of the river's erosion sensitive river banks, Aboriginal heritage surveys and consultation, and public submissions received during the pre-draft and draft comment periods.
The Plan reflects current understanding of erosion rates and the effectiveness of management strategies to date. The Plan aims to ensure visitation by motorised vessels is consistent with the protection of the river’s fragile banks, while also maintaining a quality wilderness experience and the river's Outstanding Universal Value.
The PWS thanks those who contributed to the Plan's development. The Plan and the public comment report are available from the links below.
Lower Gordon River Recreation Zone Plan 2023
Lower Gordon River Recreation Zone Plan 2023 (PDF 3.7Mb)
Lower Gordon River Recreation Zone Plan Public Consultation Report 2023 (PDF 2.2Mb)