Kia Ora Hut and Toilet Replacement
The Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) invited public submissions on the proposed development to replace the public hut and toilet at Kia Ora overnight node, on the Overland Track (OLT). The proposal will upgrade existing facilities to meet contemporary building and environmental management standards and accommodate the walkers registered on the OLT each day.
Basic facilities are provided on the OLT for the purpose of sustainable management and walker safety. The OLT is Australia's premier alpine walk and attracts approximately 10,000 walkers annually. The proposed public hut reduces the spread of impacts by accommodating walkers in one location and will also provide a refuge from severe alpine conditions. The toilet will be upgraded to a full-capture system.
The proposal is located within the Cradle Mountain – Lake St Clair National Park and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA). The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared in accordance with TWWHA Management Plan 2016. The proposal is also consistent with conservation, planning and development legislation, and implements polices and standards to reduce negative environmental impacts.
Project Stages
| Stage 1 - Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and supporting information were accepted as suitable for public consultation.
| Stage 2 - Public consultation process advertised in three regional papers. Draft EIS and supporting information available on the ‘Have your say’ page of PWS website.
| Stage 3 - The period for making public submissions closed. Final EIS and Submission Report is prepared by PWS, addressing comments received during the public consultation process.
| Stage 4 - Assessment of the final EIS is completed and PWS prepares an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) including the submission report and public submissions.
| Stage 5 - Final EIS, EAR and public submission are published on the PWS website.
Key Dates
Public consultation period beings:
• Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Close of comment period
• Friday, 30 April 2021
Final EIS assessment completed:
• Thursday, 22 July 2021
EIS, EAR and public submissions published:
• Tuesday, 17 August 2021
Overland Track Kia Ora Hut and Toilet Replacement EIS RAA 3883 (4Mb)
Appendix 1 - Kia Ora Site Concept Plan (2Mb)
Appendix 2 - Hut Plans (409Kb)

Appendix 2a - Hut Render (2Mb)
Appendix 3 - Toilet Plans (486Kb)
Appendix 4 - Grey Water System Design (2Mb)
Appendix 4a - Grey Water System Site Plan RAA 3883 (1Mb)

Appendix 5 - Preliminary Bushfire Hazard Management Area (1Mb)
Appendix 6 - Additional Assessment Criteria - TWWHA Management Plan (874Kb)
Appendix 7 - MNES self assessment (840Kb)
Appendix 8 - Natural Values Survey (2Mb)
Appendix 9 - Line of Sight Map from nests (2Mb)
Appendix 9a - Line of Sight Map from hut (2Mb)
Appendix 10 - Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report (42Kb)
Appendix 10a - Aboriginal Heritage Investigation Report (42Kb)
Appendix 11 - Visual Impact Assessment (8Mb)