The proponent, Darklab, is proposing the installation of an international standard artwork called Transformer in the Ida Bay State Reserve.
The purpose of the public artwork installation is to:
Deliver and maintain an artwork of exceptional quality and of international significance,
Attract an estimated 30,000 people a year to the district,
Be a symbol of regeneration in the aftermath of the devasting fires of 2019 and the COVID-19 economic shutdown in 2020,
Provide additional opportunities to showcase the natural and cultural heritage values in the Ida Bay State Reserve and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area (TWWHA).
The proposed works include:
Installation of the Transformer Artwork led by the international acclaimed artist Doug Aitken,
Construction of a visitor welcome centre including café, toilets, ticket sales area,
Installation of a 450 metre walking track to the location of the artwork and linking the visitor zones,
Creation of a new carparking facilities with space for 33 cars, 2 all ability car spaces, 2 motorcycles, 2 recreational vehicles, bus set down areas and 2 longer term bus parking spaces.
The Ida Bay Railway is recognised at a state level for its cultural heritage significance and the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was prepared in accordance with PWS advice, in response to the submissions and in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Southport Lagoon Conservation Area, George III Monument Historic Site and Ida Bay State Reserve Management Plan 2006.
Public consultation period began
Public consultation period closed
Final EIS assessment completed
EIS, EAR, statement of reasons and public submissions published
Environmental Assessment Report Artwork and Visitor Welcome Centre at Ida Bay State Reserve Final RAA 3854 (PDF 707Kb)
Ida Bay Destination Public Artwork and Visitor Centre Draft EIS (2Mb)
Ida Bay Destination Public Artwork and Visitor Centre Final EIS (PDF 2Mb)
Appendix A Title Information (92Kb)
Appendix B Business Plan (Confidential and purposefully not released)
Appendix C Site Plans (PDF 2Mb)
Appendix D Submission Report (PDF 22Mb)
Appendix E Visitor Risk Assessment and Control Plan (148Kb)
Appendix F Transformer Operations Plan (3Mb)
Appendix G Proposal Plans Visitor Centre and Art Installation (10Mb)
Appendix H Proposed Lease Area New vs Old and Contour Survey (PDF 2Mb)
Appendix I Landscape Plan (7Mb)
Appendix K Civil Drawings (PDF 16Mb)
Appendix L Traffic Impact Assessment (10Mb)
Appendix M Onsite Wastewater Management System Report (486Kb)
Appendix N Planning Permit (PDF 11Mb)
Appendix O Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report and AHT Record of Advice (295Kb)
Appendix P Heritage Impact Assessment (9Mb)
Appendix Q Draft Construction Environmental Management Plan (430Kb)
Appendix R Natural Values Assessment (5Mb) (including Offset Plan)
Appendix T Social Impact Assessment and Community Profile Report (764Kb)
Appendix U Visual Impact Assessment (1Mb)
Appendix V Stakeholder Engagement and Management Plan (3Mb)
Appendix V2 Transformer Aboriginal Community Engagement Plan (PDF 549Kb)
Appendix W Geotechnical Assessment (377Kb)
Appendix X Draft Emergency Management Plan (2Mb)
Appendix Y Bushfire Emergency Plan and Bushfire Action Plan (211Kb)
Appendix Z Arboricultural Assessment (1Mb)