Photo taken from a car showing two four wheel drive vehicles driving on the sand.  Ocean is to the left and a sand dune with vegetation growing on it is on the right.
Ocean beach

Draft West Coast Off Road Vehicle Strategy

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Public comments on the Draft West Coast Off-Road Vehicle Strategy are now closed.

 Draft West Coast Off-Road Vehicle Strategy (PDF 4Mb)

The draft strategy forms part of the Tasmanian Government’s $10 million committed to support sustainable recreational off-road vehicle opportunities in the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area​, and more widely on the West Coast.

The draft strategy aims to: 

  • protect the important natural and cultural values of the area

  • allowing safe access, improved facilities and enhanced recreational experiences within the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area​

​The strategy is not about opening new tracks, reopening previously closed tracks, or closing existing tracks. This is in recognition of the significance of the Western Tasmania Aboriginal Cultural Landscape and previous decisions not to reopen tracks that had been closed. The focus is on improving existing tracks and facilities. ​

Next Steps:​

​Following a review of all submissions received, a Submissions Report will be completed to help finalise the West Coast Off Road Vehicle Strategy.  

A notification will be sent out to members of the public who made a submission once the Strategy is finalised and is available to view online.