Sandstone rectangle memorial with the ocean and trees in the background
Captain Cook Memorial

Captain Cook Memorial

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The Captain Cook Memorial at Blackfellows Point was erected in 1970 through collaboration with the Tasmanian Government and the Swedish American Line to commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the arrival in the Pacific Ocean of Captain James Cook, R.N.
PWS inspected the site following a concern raised by a member of the public regarding the condition of the memorial. The inspection found the memorial to have structural deterioration and an engineer report found the structure presented a risk to the public and recommended removal. In January 2022 PWS removed the memorial structure with all materials retained including plaques.
Since removal, several representations have been made to both PWS and Kingborough Council to reinstate the memorial in its original site.
PWS is undertaking a public consultation process to seek the views of the community on the future usage of this site and feedback on the rebuilding of the Captain Cook monument at Blackfellows Point.

Public consultation is open until Friday 22 March 2024 and comments can be submitted by emailing​