Waterfall Valley Huts

Reserve activity assessment

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​​​​Reserve activity assessment process

PWS is responsible for Tasmania's reserves and for protecting the biophysical and cultural values of reserves.

PWS have developed the Reserve Activity Assessment process to guide decisions about appropriate use or development and the management of associated environmental impacts in Tasmania's reserves. 

The RAA process is equivalent to an environmental impact assessment process. PWS has adopted the RAA process to clearly identify assessments for proposals on land and waters managed by PWS including reserves subject to the National Parks and Reserve Management Act 2002 or Crown Lands Act 1976.

The roles of the PWS in the RAA process are:

  • as a proponent for reserve area infrastructure proposals;

  • as an assessment process manager for assessment of external proponent proposals and

  • as a stakeholder in other agency assessment processes for proposals in or adjacent to reserved areas. 

PWS ensures that the reserve area management objectives specified in the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 and Nature Conservation Act 2002 or applicable reserve area management plan are addressed in decision making. ​

Proposed st​​atutory RAA process

The Reserve Assessment Activity Process (RAA process) is proposed to be made statutory under amendments to the NPRM Act.

A Consultation Paper is available for review by all stakeholders. 

This paper is designed to facilitate a conversation with all interested stakeholders on the proposal for amendments to the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002  (NPRMA) to establish the key components and phases of a proposed statutory environmental impact assessment process on reserve land. 

The Paper is accompanied by a supplementary Information Sheet that discusses the existing management planning process for reserve land under the NPRMA and proposes some additional process for consideration. One of these processes utilises the proposed statutory RAA process. 

More information on the consultation paper can be found on the NRE Tas website.

​Abo​ut t​he ​​​​​​​RA​A process

​Proposals are assessed in accordance with PWS policies and guidelines. PWS determines the level of assessment required based on the proposal’s scale, location, consistency with management objectives and risk to environmental values. 

A proposal may be required to complete one of three levels of assessment (Level 1, 2 or 3). The information gained is referred to the PWS delegate for a decision on whether to issue an authority allowing a proposal to go ahead. 

​Level 1 RAA process

A proposal would require a Level 1 RAA process to determine if it is likely to affect environmental values and would typically not require detailed specialist studies - desktop assessment would suffice. 

Information required may be presented using a PWS Level 1 RAA form. PWS correspondence would detail the RAA process, actions and information required. 

​​​Level 2 RAA process

​A proposal would require a Level 2 RAA process if likely impacts on environmental values would require evaluation by specialists. The proposal may also be of interest to the community. There may also be a need for a site visit and site-specific impact studies. Information required can be provided using a PWS Level 2 RAA form and PWS correspondence would detail the RAA process, actions and information required. 

Level 3 RAA process

Where public consultation is appropriate, comment is invited on a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared by the proponent. Public consultation is included in the Level 3 RAA process. 

The Level 3 RAA process is aimed at effectively and efficiently assessing and managing environmental impacts of proposals. The process addresses statutory requirements and expert advice and considers community views.

At the completion of the Level 3 RAA process PWS publish an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) with recommendations including a submissions summary report and statement of reasons, along with copies of all public comments received. 

​​​​​​​Level 3 RAA process stages​

​Stage 1

​The proponent prepares draft EIS to a standard acceptable for public consultation.

​​​​Stage 2

Public consultation by the proponent including the publishing of draft EIS, advertising in three ​regional papers, posting of the draft EIS on the PWS 'Have you say' web page for a minimum of 4 weeks. The PWS may also seek specialist advice. ​

Stage 3 

PWS collate public and agency submissions and advise the proponent. The proponent prepares the final EIS including a Submissions Report addressing comments received during the public consultation process.

Stage 4 

PWS assessment of the final EIS is completed. PWS prepares an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) including submissions report, statement of reasons, and public submissions.

Stage 5 

Final EIS and EAR published on the PWS website.

RAA Process Overview Guideline

This Reserve Activity Assessment (RAA) Process Overview document provides an overview of the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) RAA process, which may be needed for consideration in obtaining an authority under the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002.

​More information 

​For further information, or assistance in accessing this material, please contact PWS Assessments.


PWS Assessments
Email: PWSAssessments@parks.tas.gov.au