Small flames  in bracken from a planned burn
Small flames from a planned burn

Planned Burns

Find out more

​​​​The Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) manages 3.3 million hectares, or around half of the Tasmanian landmass. 

We have a team of fire specialists, fire operations staff, administration personel, field staff and fire crew, working hard to reduce bushfire risk and supress fi​res. 

Each autumn and spring when weather is suitable​, this team works together to develop and implement a program​ to reduce the risk of bushfires and preserve ecosystems across our reserve's estate.

Your personal plan for avoiding smoke from a burn​

• During burning operations public access will be restricted.

• People are asked to remain well away from the burn site.

• While the fire intensity will be low, it will generate flames, smoke and ash.

• Smoke may persist some days afterward depending on wind conditions.

• People with medical conditions are advised to have a personal plan for avoiding smoke from the burn.​​

Resources for He​alth​, asthma, and air quality concerns are available.

For more information: 

Information on the statewide Fuel Reduction Program can be found on the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) Fuel Reduction Program webpage.

Please check our Parks and Wildlife Service Alerts page to keep up to date with our Planned Burns.

Concerns relating to smoke should be lodged with the Environment Protection Authority (EPA).  ​