Commercial photographer on the Frenchmans Cap track
Commercial photographer on the Frenchmans Cap track (photograph: Dan Broun)

Commercial Filming and Photography Licence

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Abou​​​t commercial ​​filming​ and photography

A licence is required for the conduct of commercial filming and photography.

Commercial filming can be defined as any filming which is undertaken for a financial consideration, either on consignment for another party or with a view to selling or hiring the imagery obtained, or for promotion of a product or service, and includes still photography.

Filming of areas managed by the Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) can make a significant contribution towards helping to raise awareness of conservation issues and promoting the appreciation and use of those areas and the PWS objectives. However, there is a need to ensure that the activities do not damage the environment, conflict with the enjoyment of other users, incorrectly present information or show inappropriate activities. 

A Licensee is not to use or provide Crew or Talent single serve plastic items including, not limited to, containers bowls plates straws utensils stirrers for use and to ensure single serve plastic items are not bought onto or used on the Land in connection with the conduct of filming or photography approved under a licence.

How d​​​o I a​​pply fo​​r a licence?

Complete the Commercial Filming and Photography Application and return to the PWS.

Please Note: Applications must be submitted at least 21 working days prior to the proposed dates for filming or photography shoots.  PWS cannot guarantee that permission will be granted if applications are received after this time.​

 Commercial Filming and Photography Application Form (PDF 198Kb)

​​​​​Who nee​​d​s a licence?

Licences are required by those parties who wish to undertake filming or photography for the purposes of sale or other consideration.  This includes:

  • Commercial filming; 
  • feature filming (cinema, video and TV); 
  • documentaries and tourism promotions; 
  • educational and government sponsored filming;
  • social media content creators; and
  • stills photography.

​​​​Who doesn't n​​eed a licence?

News of the day (electronic and pri​​nt) and current affairs do not require approval, a permit or the payment of fees. These parties should still inform the local Senior Ranger of their intent to film, and comply with the Commercial Filming Guidelines where possible.​​​


Public Liability Insurance cover of a minimum of $20 million AUD is required. A copy of this must be forwarded with your completed application.

Annual filming and photography licence

​​​$300 per annum licence fee

Production crew licence 

This licence applies to productions with a set time frame and covers up to 8 people.  The fee is $440 per project (this may change dependent on the level of interruption from the project.)
8+ people is an additional $55 per person per project.

A bond (or guarantee) may be required for the purposes of repairing any damage or cleaning up after an event. The amount will be determined in each case (at the discretion of ​the PWS Officer), based on the activities proposed and the number of people and equipment involved.

​Ranger Fee (an invoice will be issued for ranger services post production)​

  • ​​​​​Weekday fee is $75 per person per hour
  • ​Weekend/Public Holiday fee is $90 per person per hour
  • Actors Equity charges will apply for the PWS staff used on camera in fee paying productions​​

No charge productions
T​he following projects do not attract a fee, however they are still required to complete the Commercial Fil​ming Application in order to obtain a filming and photography fee exemption:

  • Educational or tourism productions deemed beneficial to the PWS objectives with appropriate promotional message;
  • Federal or state government tourism department sponsored filming; and
  • news and current affairs​​.


Property Services
GPO Box 44
Hobart TAS 7001
Phone: (+61) 03 6169 9015