In recognition of the deep history and culture of this Island, we would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people; the past and present Custodians of the Land.
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60 Great Short Walks
Exciting adventures for explorers of all ages and sizes. The 60 Great Short Walks offer the best of Tasmania's walking opportunities.
Visit this page Register now for Overnight Walks
An overnight bushwalker registration system for some of Tasmania’s most remote, pristine locations has been introduced to protect sensitive vegetation that can take many decades to recover if damaged. Help us protect our sensitive tracks by registering your intent to walk.
Visit this page World Heritage Areas
A number of Tasmanian locations have been inscribed as World Heritage Areas with examples of natural or cultural significance ranging from unique convict heritage, to islands of outstanding geological significance, and one of the largest temperate natural areas in the world.
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Explore our parks by map
Prepare to enjoy the simple pleasure of the outdoors. Each of our parks has its own distinct flavour. Show respect for the environment and keep safety in mind to enjoy the experience.
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Ancient Huon pines confirmed intact following fire impact assessments
A 3,000-year-old Huon pine and several high-conservation stands of ancient trees have been confirmed to be intact and undamaged by the bushfires impacting Tasmania’s rugged West Coast.
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Overland Track reopening following bushfires
Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) is pleased to advise that the Overland Track will be reopening to booked walkers from Monday 24 February 2025.
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News from PWS on the fireground
PWS are responding to many fires across the State. Check the latest news from the fireground.
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